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구분 소장기록
식별번호 v1365/104954276
기록명 20권 2호 Marriage, Work and Welfare Dependency
내용 There are two routes to self-sufficiency for a female on welfare: work or marriage. This paper analyzes a woman's probability of being on welfare, decomposing it into the probability of work and the probability of being married. The marriage and work decision process will be influenced by both expected economic benefits and costs. An economic benefit of not being married and not working is public welfare benefits. Higher welfare benefits reduce the net cost of an out-of- wedlock fertility and so affect both marriage and work decisions. When the individual expects benefits from welfare over the financial cost of having an out-of-wedlock birth, she may choose having an out-of-wedlock fertility and receiving the public support (welfare benefits) over marriage or work. Our empirical results suggest that economic incentives created by public welfare policy influence marital and work decisions, and, as a result, the incidence of welfare dependence. Specifically, the amount of welfare benefits significantly affects the probabilities of both marriage and work and thus changes the probability of welfare recipiency. Therefore the welfare reform needs to focus on the individual's incentive mechanism of marriage and work.
기록유형 문서류
기록형태 정기간행물
생산일자 2000-12-00
생산자 Seokpyo Hong
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND

v1365-20201181.pdf  내려받기

메타항목 보기
기록명 20권 2호 Marriage, Work and Welfare Dependency
내용 There are two routes to self-sufficiency for a female on welfare: work or marriage. This paper analyzes a woman's probability of being on welfare, decomposing it into the probability of work and the probability of being married. The marriage and work decision process will be influenced by both expected economic benefits and costs. An economic benefit of not being married and not working is public welfare benefits. Higher welfare benefits reduce the net cost of an out-of- wedlock fertility and so affect both marriage and work decisions. When the individual expects benefits from welfare over the financial cost of having an out-of-wedlock birth, she may choose having an out-of-wedlock fertility and receiving the public support (welfare benefits) over marriage or work. Our empirical results suggest that economic incentives created by public welfare policy influence marital and work decisions, and, as a result, the incidence of welfare dependence. Specifically, the amount of welfare benefits significantly affects the probabilities of both marriage and work and thus changes the probability of welfare recipiency. Therefore the welfare reform needs to focus on the individual's incentive mechanism of marriage and work.
생산기관 및 생산자 Seokpyo Hong
생산연도 2000
기록물유형 문서류
원본소장처 한국보건사회연구원
원본형태 전자
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND
관련 검색어 한국보건사회연구원; 사회복지; 자원봉사
관리번호 v1365/104954276
목록유형 소장기록

v1365-20201181.pdf  내려받기