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구분 소장기록
식별번호 v1365/817464241
기록명 Trends which will Impact Leadership Educators in the next 10 years
내용 Volunteerism is a rapidly growing and evolving field. By anticipating emerging trends, effective volunteer administrators and leadership educators will be prepared to strategically position themselves, theirorganization and its programs to effectively ad
목차 IntroductionReview of LiteratureMethodologyResultsImplicationsReferences
기록유형 문서류
기록형태 일반문서
생산일자 [미상]
생산자 미상
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND

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메타항목 보기
기록명 Trends which will Impact Leadership Educators in the next 10 years
내용 Volunteerism is a rapidly growing and evolving field. By anticipating emerging trends, effective volunteer administrators and leadership educators will be prepared to strategically position themselves, theirorganization and its programs to effectively ad
목차 IntroductionReview of LiteratureMethodologyResultsImplicationsReferences
생산기관 및 생산자 미상
생산연도 [미상]
기록물유형 문서류
원본소장처 Ken Culp; Michael M.Nolan
원본형태 전자
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND
관련 검색어 Trends; Leadership; Educators; Ken Culp; Michael
관리번호 v1365/817464241
목록유형 소장기록

v1365-20201891.pdf  내려받기