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식별번호 v1365/808350827
기록명 [자원봉사 정책저널 2021 영문판] Journey of Challenges to Recover the Routine of Volunteering (자원봉사 일상회복을 향한 도전의 여정)
내용 [Policy Brief]

▮ Volunteers' adaptive challenges for the time of living with Covid-19
_Kwon, Mi-young (CEO, Korea Volunteer Center)

[Field Focus]

▮ Safe society made by volunteering, where does the citizenship leadership come?
_Lee, Chang-lim (Principal, Demoart School)

▮ What has to be done for our recovery to the routine of volunteering
_Oh, Young-soo (CEO, Seocho-gu Volunteer Center)

▮ Efforts to solve social isolation and cooperations with local community
_Joo, Min-jeong (CEO, Yangjoo Hoecheon Senior Welfare Center)

▮ How can we measure the social value of volunteering?
_Kim, Ki-ryong (CEO, Korea Social Value Evaluation)

▮ Journey of challenges to recover the routine of volunteering, sharing thoughts and ideas
_6th Volunteer Policy Talk
기록유형 문서류
기록형태 정기간행물
생산일자 2021-12-30
생산자 한국중앙자원봉사센터
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND

자원봉사 정책저널 영문판_최종본(단면).pdf  내려받기

메타항목 보기
기록명 [자원봉사 정책저널 2021 영문판] Journey of Challenges to Recover the Routine of Volunteering (자원봉사 일상회복을 향한 도전의 여정)
내용 [Policy Brief]

▮ Volunteers' adaptive challenges for the time of living with Covid-19
_Kwon, Mi-young (CEO, Korea Volunteer Center)

[Field Focus]

▮ Safe society made by volunteering, where does the citizenship leadership come?
_Lee, Chang-lim (Principal, Demoart School)

▮ What has to be done for our recovery to the routine of volunteering
_Oh, Young-soo (CEO, Seocho-gu Volunteer Center)

▮ Efforts to solve social isolation and cooperations with local community
_Joo, Min-jeong (CEO, Yangjoo Hoecheon Senior Welfare Center)

▮ How can we measure the social value of volunteering?
_Kim, Ki-ryong (CEO, Korea Social Value Evaluation)

▮ Journey of challenges to recover the routine of volunteering, sharing thoughts and ideas
_6th Volunteer Policy Talk
생산기관 및 생산자 한국중앙자원봉사센터
생산연도 2021
기록물유형 문서류
원본소장처 한국중앙자원봉사센터
원본형태 전자
저작권 표기 BY-NC-ND
관련 검색어 정책저널, 영문판, 2021, 자원봉사정책저널, 한국중앙자원봉사센터
관리번호 v1365/808350827
목록유형 소장기록

자원봉사 정책저널 영문판_최종본(단면).pdf  내려받기